$1$, $2$, $4$, $8$ and $16$ are the factors of sixteen.
The number sixteen is a real natural number. It should be factorised to learn how to factorize the number $16$ and also to know which natural numbers are the factors of sixteen.
Let’s divide the number sixteen by the number one firstly to find their quotient.
$16 \,\div\, 1$
$\implies$ $\dfrac{16}{1} \,=\, 16$
The number $1$ completely divides the number $16$. Therefore, the quotient of $16$ divided by $1$ is equal to $16$.
Likewise, the number $16$ also divides the number $16$ completely.
$16 \,\div\, 16$
$\implies$ $\dfrac{16}{16} \,=\, 1$
The quotient of $16$ divided by $16$ is equal to $1$. Now, the number $16$ can be written as a product of the natural numbers $1$ and $16$.
$\,\,\,\therefore\,\,\,\,\,\,$ $1 \times 16$ $\,=\,$ $16$
Therefore, the numbers $1$ and $16$ are called the factors of the number $16$.
Now, divide the number sixteen by the number two to calculate their quotient.
$16 \,\div\, 2$
$\implies$ $\dfrac{16}{2} \,=\, 8$
The number $2$ completely divides the number $16$. So, the quotient of $16$ divided by $2$ is equal to $8$.
Similarly, the number $8$ also completely divides the number $16$.
$16 \,\div\, 8$
$\implies$ $\dfrac{16}{8} \,=\, 2$
The quotient of $16$ divided by $8$ is equal to $2$. Therefore, the number $16$ can be expressed as a product of the numbers $2$ and $8$.
$\,\,\,\therefore\,\,\,\,\,\,$ $2 \times 8$ $\,=\,$ $16$
Therefore, the numbers $2$ and $8$ are called the factors of a natural number $16$.
Finally, divide the number sixteen by the number four to evaluate their quotient.
$16 \,\div\, 4$
$\implies$ $\dfrac{16}{4} \,=\, 4$
The natural number $4$ completely divides the number $16$. Therefore, the quotient of $16$ divided by $4$ is equal to $4$.
Therefore, the number $16$ can be written as a product of the numbers $4$ and $4$.
$\,\,\,\therefore\,\,\,\,\,\,$ $4 \times 4$ $\,=\,$ $16$
Therefore, the numbers $4$ is called a factor of a natural number $16$.
It is evaluated that the numbers $1$ and $16$, $2$ and $8$ and $4$ are the factors of the natural number $16$. Therefore, the factors of $16$ are $1$, $2$, $4$, $8$ and $16$.
The remaining numbers $3$, from $5$ to $7$ and from $9$ to $15$ cannot completely divide the number $16$. Therefore, these numbers cannot be the factors of the number $16$.
The factors of $16$ is represented by $F$ subscript $16$ mathematically in algebraic form.
$F_{16}$ $\,=\,$ $\big\{1,\, 2,\, 4,\, 8,\, 16\big\}$
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