Math Doubts

Factorize $5a(x^2-y^2)$ $+$ $35b(x^2-y^2)$

The $5a$ times $x$ square minus $y$ square plus $35b$ times $x$ square minus $y$ square is a given polynomial. It contains only two terms. So, it can be factorized by taking out the greatest common factor (GCF).

factoring polynomial by taking out greatest common factor problem

Let’s learn how to factorise the algebraic expression by taking out the greatest common divisor (GCD).

Step: 1

The polynomial contains two terms $5a(x^2-y^2)$ and $35b(x^2-y^2)$, and let’s express both expressions as a product of primary level factors.

$(1).\,\,$ $5a(x^2-y^2)$ $\,=\,$ $5 \times a \times (x^2-y^2)$

$(2).\,\,$ $35b(x^2-y^2)$ $\,=\,$ $5 \times 7 \times b \times (x^2-y^2)$

Now, let’s check whether the terms $5a(x^2-y^2)$ and $35b(x^2-y^2)$ contain common factors or not. Then only, it is possible to find the greatest common factor (GCF) for the terms $5a(x^2-y^2)$ and $35b(x^2-y^2)$ of binomial in this polynomial factorisation problem.

Step: 2

So, let’s identify the commonly appearing factors in the terms $5a(x^2-y^2)$ and $35b(x^2-y^2)$ by comparing their primary level factors.

$(1).\,\,$ $5a(x^2-y^2)$ $\,=\,$ $\underline{5} \times a \times \underline{(x^2-y^2)}$

$(2).\,\,$ $35b(x^2-y^2)$ $\,=\,$ $\underline{5} \times 7 \times b \times \underline{(x^2-y^2)}$

In the above expressions, $5$ and $x^2-y^2$ are identified as common factors. Now, write the common factors closely in the product as per the commutative property.

$(1).\,\,$ $5a(x^2-y^2)$ $\,=\,$ $5 \times (x^2-y^2) \times a$

$(2).\,\,$ $35b(x^2-y^2)$ $\,=\,$ $5 \times (x^2-y^2) \times 7 \times b$

Finally, multiply the common factors $5$ and $x^2-y^2$, and their product is $5(x^2-y^2)$, which is called the greatest or highest common factor (HCF). Similarly, multiply the other factors separately in both expressions.

$(1).\,\,$ $5a(x^2-y^2)$ $\,=\,$ $5(x^2-y^2) \times a$

$(2).\,\,$ $35b(x^2-y^2)$ $\,=\,$ $5(x^2-y^2) \times 7b$

The terms $5a(x^2-y^2)$ and $35b(x^2-y^2)$ in the expression are written in factor form successfully and their equivalent values can be now substituted in the given polynomial for factoring the algebraic expression.

Step: 3

Now, the given polynomial $5a$ times $x^2$ minus $y^2$ plus $35b$ times $x^2$ minus $y^2$ can be written in the greatest common factor form as follows.

$\implies$ $5a(x^2-y^2)$ $+$ $35b(x^2-y^2)$ $\,=\,$ $5(x^2-y^2) \times a$ $+$ $5(x^2-y^2) \times 7b$

Now, let’s focus on simplifying the algebraic expression $5(x^2-y^2) \times a$ $+$ $5(x^2-y^2) \times 7b$. In this expression, the GCF $5(x^2-y^2)$ can be taken out, from the terms and it can be done by using the distributive property.

$\,\,=\,\,$ $5(x^2-y^2) \times (a+7b)$

$\,\,=\,\,$ $5(x^2-y^2)(a+7b)$

In this way, the polynomial $5a(x^2-y^2)$ $+$ $35b(x^2-y^2)$ can be factored as $5(x^2-y^2)(a+7b)$ by taking out the greatest common factor from the terms.

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