Math Doubts

Sense of an angle


The direction of rotation of a ray from its initial position to final position is called sense of angle.

An angle is usually formed by a ray by rotation but the rotation of a ray is possible geometrically either clockwise or anticlockwise to form an angle geometrically. To understand how it is formed geometrically, the direction of rotation of a ray to form an angle is denoted by either plus sign or minus sign.

The plus sign or minus sign are actually written before the angle.

  1. A plus sign $(+)$ or without a plus sign before the angle represents that the angle is made by a ray in anticlockwise direction.
  2. A minus sign $(-)$ before the angle represents that the angle is made by a ray in clockwise direction.

The symbolic representation senses how the angle is formed geometrically.


According to concept of sense of angle, the angles are classified into two types.


Positive angle

positive angle

Positive angle is an angle and it is formed when a ray is rotated in clockwise direction from its initial position to final position.

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Negative angle

positive angle

Negative angle is an angle and it is formed when a ray is rotated in anticlockwise direction from its initial position to final position.

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